









ある夜、蝋燭の光のもと、彼は縫合線の存在に気が付きます — 縫合線とは、頭蓋骨のてっぺんを横切る線で、幼児期に頭蓋骨が癒合した場所を示します。リルケは線が刻まれた蝋管を思い出し、共鳴器に繋がれた針をこのギザギザの縫合線の上に走らせるとどうなるだろうかと想像しました。このとき想像した音をリルケは原初の音、と表現しています。それまで録音されたことがない音が取り出されると信じてそう名付けたのでしょう。







このお話を締めくくり、最初に戻って円環を閉じるにあたり、数字と 盲目の数学者の話に少しだけ戻ってみましょう。



Seika Talk with Anthony Moore and Kazue Asano

This is Kazue Asano, my name is Anthony Moore.

Kazue Asano is a thinker, philosopher, friend and musician. She has generously offered to translate for us today.

For many years I was Professor for the History and Theory of Sound at The Academy of Arts Cologne.

Before that I worked lots of different musicians, for example Pink Floyd, This Heat, Slapp Happy and others.

I would like to say thank you to Seika for providing the opportunity to come and talk to you today.

What we shall be doing here is recounting anecdotes, many of them from secondary sources – this talk is not a lecture, it is story-telling.

All my life I have worked in Sound, my sphere is the sphere of the acoustic universe,

I steer my ship through the ocean of sound.

The words I speak which come from my mouth are also sounds.

It is not always necessary to understand words with the rational, analytical part of your brain.

It is also enough, sometimes, just to listen to language being spoken.

Words were spoken before they were written.

I believe that a kind of thinking existed before writing.

Isn’t thinking a kind of dreaming? a kind of listening?

Thinking, dreaming, listening.

To continue this theme of writing, of inscription, which is the making of signs, let us imagine a blind mathematician who practises an arithmetic without signs, without inscription.

What kind of science is that? It is an arithmetic by ear, a musical arithmetic.

The blind mathematician hears two notes one octave apart sung simultaneously by a child and an adult, or a man and a woman.

An octave is always a doubling of frequency, 880 vibrations per second is one octave higher than 440 vibrations per second.

The blind mathematician, by simply experiencing the two sounds together, is doing a multiplication times 2 in an arithmetic without signs. Gottfried Leibniz in a letter to Christian Goldbach dated 1712 writes that music is the unconscious arithmetic of the soul.

However, it is true that the octave cannot be divided into two halves or twelve equal steps. All attempts to do so will result in irrational numbers and ultimately imprecise divisions. It’s perhaps surprising to realize that in fact no two pianos can be systematically tuned to be identical.

As I equate irrationality with an infinite process so I suggest that at the heart of the ocatve lies an inexhaustible potential. I choose to imagine that musicians sense this restless endlessness and that it nourishes them with an energy that never fades.

Continuing with our theme of inscription I would like to mention two names, the inventor Thomas Edison and the poet Rainer Maria Rilke.

It is said that Edison invented sound recording some 130 years ago by constructing a machine with a moving needle that inscribed vibrations into a soft material.
The poet Rilke, as a child at school, participated in a classroom project to recreate the wax cylinder. Hearing back the recorded voices of himself and his schoolmates left an enduring and important impression on him. At first it was the shock of the acoustic experience, but what actually stayed in his memory was the sight of the lines caused by the needle. Many years later as an art student in Paris he bought himself a skull to excercise his drawing ability.

One night, by candlelight, he suddenly noticed the coronal suture; that line across the top of the skull that marks where the bones have grown together in infancy. And remembering the sight of the inscribed wax cylinder he wonders what would be the sound if he were to run a needle connected to a resonator along the jagged line of the coronal suture. He describes the imagined sound as the UR-sound, which means the Primal sound. He named it as such perhaps due to the fact that it would be an extraction of sound that had never been previously recorded.

Writing as inscription is recording and when scanned and re-read by technical devices may manifest itself as sound.

Now the following anecdote was written and translated before I knew that the protagonist of the story would actually be here in the room with us, and that he is currently teaching in Kyoto. This is potentially embarrasing for both myself and him, but I have decided to carry on regardless.
The anecdote was included originally as a fitting illustration for this part of the talk.

There is an artist and professor of art working with the history of sound at Stanford University namely Paul DeMarinis who has, amongst many other important works, created an installation called “The Edison Effect”. Welcome, Paul.

So there is a story, certainly apocryphal, that tells of 5000 year old recordings imprinted into ancient pottery, supposedly by vibrations passing down a stylus being used to decorate a rotating ceramic vase turning on the potter’s wheel: highly unlikely as the fingers holding the stylus would tend to damp the vibrations and stop them from being transmitted.

However, Paul DeMarinis decided to make a contemporary artwork from this idea, imprinting sound onto pottery by mechanical means and playing it back using light from a laser.

Using a laser in place of a stylus comes from the cutting and scanning technology employed in the manufacture of DVDs and CDs. There is no physical contact between the laser and the surface of the medium, whether it be plastic, wood, or clay as in pottery.

Many wax cylinders and other even more fragile recordings from the second half of the 1800s could not be played, because the act of running a needle stylus across the surface would destroy the medium. Now the recorded content can be heard by using lasers. This opens up the acoustic past and is a wonderful resource for researchers. The Edison Effect by Paul DeMarinis consists of a number of sound sculptures and was shown for the first time in Japan at the Intercommunication Centre ICC Tokyo in 1997, curated by Minoru Hatanaka.

Thinkable Histories of the Unhearable Past: the history of listening, sensory history, is far out-matched by historical musicology but I am no musicologist. My interest is in the broader field of sound itself, in noise, the acoustic, the world of hearable vibrations. I am interested in the early history of sound and its possible perception. And I am also interested in the nature of history itself. To occupy the site of someone else’s listening is, of course, impossible. To then seek to do this over a time span of say three millennia, creates yet greater challenges!

What holds true for sound also applies to time. They both depend on disappearing as they come into existence. It turns out that to think about listening in the past is to probe the very nature of history itself. Historiography. Evidently, we are helped in this task by the archaeological exploration of music instruments, technical devices and the history, not just of tuning theory, but of systems of measurement from all branches of science; from medicine to mathematics, from celestial motion to the casting in bronze of, amongst other artefacts, bells. Ultimately, however, and perhaps counterintuitively, it might be imagination that allows us to give the most accurate of historical accounts.
Naturally, one brings history into the present and so it becomes a rich resource for artists like Paul DeMarinis; as well as a lense (or in my case a pair of ears) through which one can constructively experience the present.

In recent years a new branch of archaeology has opened up. It is called Archeoacoustics and crucial new discoveries are being made. Whilst Paul Devereux and his colleagues were researching acoustic evidence with electronic measuring devices in a neolithic chamber in Ireland known as Newgrange, as well as studying visual markings on its inner walls, the following theory emerged.

Any enclosed space will have a resonant frequency and a phenomena known as standing waves which come about through the reflections of soundwaves from walls and surfaces. At the antinodes, the voice can become naturally amplified. The cavern at Newgrange is a built structure, an enclosed space with a long passage-way leading into it. It was designed so that the chamber could be closed off to the outside, leaving only a small opening above the entrance which would allow, precisely at the winter solstice, a narrow beam of direct sunlight to penetrate into the chamber.

Inside, a number of large, shallow bowls were discovered. Individual stones, heated up by fire and immersed in water contained by those same bowls would cause, within a relatively short period of time, the cavernous chamber to completely fill with a steamy vapour.

Enclosed spaces have easily identifiable, resonant frequencies which participants of rituals could have chanted; a continuous droning. At the exact moment when the ray of sunlight shoots through the steam-filled space, the standing waves generated by the singers’ voices may have become manifest in the air as areas of dense and less dense molecules – see-able sound!

And the substantial support for this hypothesis is that at Newgrange one of the researchers, more interested in the drawings on the cave walls than the acoustic measurements, happened to noticed there was an unmistakable similarity between depictions of wave patterns on the walls, and the technical drawings of nodes and anti-nodes derived from the acoustic tests.

Listening inwards and the Inner Voice: it is curious that inner monologues light up the same areas in the brain as sounding speech traversing the outer air. This makes our every day companion, the inner voice, as much ‘heard’ as those voices emerging from friend or foe, from radio loudspeaker seen or unseen, in the soundscape of our normal lives.

This ambiguous activity, observed by neurologists using magnetic resonance imaging, strongly recalls the hypothesis of Julian Jaynes who proposed that until the invention of writing, hallucinated voices fulfilled the role of what was to become consciousness.

Our ears seek out ever fainter sounds from all around us at greater and greater distances. It takes time to reach out through the air to collect the cries of gulls, of voices and machinery. This work is called extramission and is carried out by the transmitting ear. And the doing of this work itself creates noise in the form of oto-acoustic emmissions. These are sounds which actually come out of the ear. Through these sounds produced by the ear/brain we are permitted to reach internally. And there we discover and listen to the sound of our own unheard voice mingling with all the auditory memories remembered, half-remembered and perhaps forgotten.

Listening inwards is like looking at your own retina. There might be a tendency to think of ourselves as surrounded from without, on all sides information flying at us, colliding with our sensors, meteorites of stuff hitting our skin. But noises are also generated from within, which may include the noise of our thoughts as well as the physical sound of the body at work. Sadly, for many tinnitus sufferers, this sound is often imagined (rightly or wrongly) to be the noise of something broken within the machinery of the self. Others might call it “The Music of the Spheres”.

Finally, to close this talk and make a circle back to the beginning, let us return briefly to number and the blind mathematician.

What I am attempting to propose is that the abstract and dynamic world of flowing numbers (rather than geometry) is the world which most closely matches the world of sound and music. And that the most dynamic numbers and therefore the most musical, are the irrationals; (contrary to Pythagoras because I believe time is more fundamental to sound than harmony). We might speculate that like them sounds too are flowing infinitely.

Charles Babbage, the grandfather of computing machines, in his 9th Bridgewater Treatise 1837, considers the propagation of sound in air. He writes that every word spoken by wise people and idiots alike continues to survive in the motions of the atoms and molecules of the earth’s atmosphere. “The air itself has become one vast library on whose pages are forever written all that men and women have ever uttered”.

I suggest that measuring through listening may have arisen before measuring by the eye, that early homo sapiens’ relation to nature was not one of first seeking out patterns, symmetries and outlines but rather one of an unreflected immersion in the flow of time, experienced as sound. In this imagined time of ‘blind’ and unselfconscious mathematicians, sound organised by nature into the harmonic series which becomes manifest to the ear through the action of the vocal chords, much as wind blowing across apertures in rock or bamboo, is the yardstick both for calculating and memorising.

This has been a plea for the ear and for listening in a time where the eye and the screen are so overwhelmingly dominant.

Thank you. End:

